Good Soldier Fund (GSF)
This scholarship program exists to provide the tuition of qualified Bible students who could not otherwise attend TCM’s International Grace Bible Institute (IGBI) schools because of poverty or lack of finances. Last year the program covered the full tuition of 53 students to help them toward their goal of graduation and ministry to the Lord through TCM Philippines.
36 Students
There isn’t a better way to spend ministry dollars than through the GSF. The full amount of every contribution goes directly to tuition costs. For approximately $3,400 total this year, these 36 students will receive sound doctrinal training, and also have their practical ministry skills developed and refined. All 36 of these students will one day leave IGBI debt-free and will start planting churches, serving in local assemblies, evangelizing, and answering the call to mission work. Their location just happens to be within 7 hours flight of 3.2 billion unbelievers, including 2.9 billion that have never heard a clear gospel message. This program directly addresses this need.
Starting in 2017, GSF will expand into Indonesia to support students at the Anderson School of Theology. There are some challenges to be sure, but we fully expect that God will bless this endeavor. Indonesia, the fourth largest country in the world, needs to hear the message of God’s grace. We are working alongside TCM Indonesia to strengthen their outreach around Southeast Asia through the sending of ministry workers.
Church Finances
This pie chart shows the breakdown of the churches expenditure. All figures are in Malaysian Ringgit (RM). 2020 has seen us have to reduce our giving due to the necessity to remodel our meeting room to increase seating capacity. Normally, we would aim to give 60% of our income.
The image below illustrates what Penang Bible Church believes.
What Penang Bible Church is about.